Monk Rush


Going straight to the castle age (14:xx) and go all out monks, totally ignoring your economy.


  • Game Type: Random Map
  • Map: Arabia
  • Players: L_Clan_Chris vs Fantazi
  • Nicks in game: XotiK_Infrared vs IvAn0V
  • Civs: Aztecs vs Huns

War Story

Chris seemed to start out a normal buildup, but as soon as he saw a herd of 7 deer he changed his plans. Or at least, it made his plans a lot easier. He decided to go a Fast Castle without any earlier attacking. Fantazi decided to flush him and obviously the flush hit before Chris was in the castle age. Chris didn’t fight the flush however, when his lumberjacks were under attack he ran them back to his TC to cut straggler trees. Same story for his berry gatherers and hunters. One resource he fought over fiercely though: his gold mine. A monkrush can’t go on without gold so he made a tower next to his gold mine. And as soon as he could, he bought extra stone for a second tower. Then he finally came into the castle age at 14 minutes. He had enough food for 2 villagers but had no food collection going so his TC was soon idle. However, he proved this decision to be rightful. He soon started to convert the archers and skirms from Fantazi and managed to more or less clean his town. His monk micro wasn’t best, losing about 5 monks to very dumb battles but since he had nearly all his villagers on gold, he could quickly replace them. At this point Fantazi switched to scouts and Chris made a very risky decision: sending his very few monks forward. He obviously lost some to scouts, but with 65 HP on his wololo’s he could stand some hits. Supported by his converted flush army he arrived at Fantazi’s town. At that point Fantazi reached the castle age but alas for him, it was too late. Chris started to convert his stables and any unit that came out of it. Two minutes later the whole town was surrounded by monks and Fantazi had no choice but resigning as all his villagers were garrisoned in his Town Center.

Recorded Game


Written by Cysion

  • hauntedgt

    Good set of records. thanks

  • zZMagicMonkZz

    Very nice game, thats what i like to see!


    O_O….WOW.. xD i must see this one!