Triple Trush


What if you go trush someone? What if the whole team goes trushing the other team? Pocket included?.


  • Game Type: Random Map
  • Map: Arabia
  • Players: PL vs _CULT_
  • Nicks in game: PL_Dziamdziak + PL_PeEl + PL_Komuch vs CULT_Goofy_ + CULT_MATRIX + CULT_Leo
  • Civs: Teutons + Koreans + Mongols vs Huns + Japanese + Teutons

War Story

If you watch the civs it was pretty obvious that PL had a surprise in store this game for WCL 3 (5th round). And sure it was a triple trush! Mongols have a great trush and given they can reach castle age, so do Teutons and Koreans. CULT decided to play a sling game though, but their pocket was not fast enough to fully stone wall. So when Peel came down with Korean towers, their plan soon shattered into pieces. Their Hun pocket reached castle age though, and the Mongol (who trushed him) had a very hard time. But because the slinger was dead, the Hun didn’t have an economy suitable for a castle age army. All in all, it’s one of those games you have to watch without fog of war so you can see the global picture and teamplay of PL.

Recorded Game


Written by Cysion